Generate random integers with probabilities
So i am working on and i needed to find a way to give customer option so they can set the probability of a slice getting selecting when the wheel will spin
// set of object with probabilities:
const set = {1:0.4,2:0.3,3:0.2,4:0.1};
// get probabilities sum:
var sum = 0;
for(let j in set){
sum += set[j];
// choose random integers:
function pick_random(){
var pick = Math.random()*sum;
for(let j in set){
pick -= set[j];
if(pick <= 0){
return j;
How i used
first create set of object with probabilities
const set = { 1: 0.4, 2: 0.3, 3: 0.2, 4: 0.1 };
So i did not had this directly so i went through the my array of map which contains the chance value for each slice now since i do not limit the total to be 100 customer might have entered the total of chances to be more than 100 hence i got the total first
Then i created a map and var and got the total
const spinSet = new Map();
var totalProb = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < responseStringifyJson.spin_options.length; i++) {
totalProb =
totalProb + parseInt(responseStringifyJson.spin_options[i].chance);
Next i went through the array again and this time generated the set
for (let i = 0; i < responseStringifyJson.spin_options.length; i++) {
var percentage =
responseStringifyJson.spin_options[i].chance / totalProb;
// only add if more than 0
if (Number(parseFloat(percentage).toFixed(2)) != 0) {
var percentageforthis = Number(parseFloat(percentage).toFixed(2));
var key = i + 1;
spinSet[key] = percentageforthis;
Then Just get probabilities sum and choose a random integer from the spinSet